Friday, September 25, 2009

Snoball (almost) burns the house down

Snoball is fine and everyone is fine - nothing terrible happened. But we were very lucky. Last night Snoball had two nightfrights. I woke up to him screaming several times and I was getting tired of getting up to comfort him. So I brought him into bed with me. He was fine for a while, and then he went under the covers and went to sleep. I then fell asleep only to be woken about 2 hours later by a loud popping noise and sparks flying everywhere. I looked under the covers at Snoball, who was chewing the wires for the heating pad I keep under my feet at night. He had torn the cord to shreds. We're lucky he didn't electrocute himself or catch something on fire. None of the sparks caught - thank god because it would have lit the bed on fire. Snoball wasn't even put off by any of it. He just looked at me sideways and made a baby noise - the same thing he does whenever he's trying to get out of trouble.

David and I counted our blessings today, that's for sure. And we're not letting Snoball under the covers anymore. Or near ANY wires for that matter. But he is safe and we are safe so (this time) no harm done.