Thursday, September 10, 2009
Snoball is home
That's Snoball and I *trying* to relax and watch TV uninterrupted, but David was making it difficult. ;)
We picked up Snoball's cage (finally) the night before last and got it all put together. He took to it right away, as if he thought that cage had always belonged to him. He went in for a drink and when he saw the bowl was empty (we hadn't had time to fill it yet since we had JUST finished putting the cage together!) he looked at us as if to say, "Are you two stupid or something? Where's my water? Where's my food?!"
Here's a photo of his cage and his swinging playgym that I made for him (it's three hula hoops wrapped in sisal and tied together). Rufio was taking advantage of the hanging gym at the time...
Snoball and I found that basket and a few of the toys that are in it at a thrift store the other day. I stopped in to see if I could get some blankets for the walls of David's music studio (we're trying to be economical about buffering the sound, and thought old comforters might work. They do, btw.) Anyway, I happened to have Snoball with me so he sat on my shoulder while I browsed. He drew quite a crowd of old women, that's for sure! EVERYONE wanted to pet him, and EVERYONE told him what a handsome bird he was. Of course Snoball turned on the charm, and said "hello" to everyone in turn. We picked up a few things for the house - a new vegetable steamer for $2! and went to check out. They had a shelf of knick knacks on the counter, and Snoball reached over and helped himself to a little plastic tea cup. (Snoball always helps himself to whatever he wants, doesn't he Bev? -lol-) So I told the lady, "Well, I guess we're buying this cup too." It was hysterical. I also bought him a toy cell phone for $0.50! He pulled all the rubber buttons out and broke the thing to pieces but he had a blast, and I only paid 50c. :D
This is the cup toy he picked up. It cost me a whopping $0.25!
I have an appointment to finish up the leasing process on Tuesday morning. After that I should officially be on the lease and Snoball will be home for good. We're going to try to keep him here until all that goes through but he has to remain a secret until I'm on the lease or we could be told he has to go, or David could be evicted. They're silly condo rules, but we're trying to play it safe.
Anyway, that's it for today. More adventures to follow soon. ;)