Monday, September 7, 2009

Nothing Exciting

Unfortunately, I have nothing exciting to update but I thought it was time to do it anyway. Poor Snoball and poor me - we have been separated from each other for the past two weeks! I have not been able to visit him because I am just now getting over a very bad case of mono. I was spending a lot of time in bed and was not feeling up to driving. Even if I felt I were able to drive, I wouldn't have gone to see him since I didn't want to risk getting him (or any of my other birds that were being boarded at the store) sick.

I am well now, and I have been in to see him twice. I packed a nice fruit and bread breakfast for us and spent the morning with him before going to class last week. He was clearly mad at me, and wanted nothing to do with me and nothing to do with the food. I sat and ate while he wandered off in the other direction and started knocking things off the table.

I have been told that he is getting restless. He has been screaming more and more, biting people more often, and ruining everything in sight. Part of this, I'm afraid, is his hormones. I expected this behaviour to some extent so I am trying to take it in stride. The other half of it is that he doesn't like being cooped up at the store all the time. Obviously, the current situation wasn't done on purpose. If I'm sick, I'm sick. But Snoball doesn't understand that. He must think he's been abandoned there.

I return to work tomorrow so the schedule will go back to normal. He'll be able to come out and play a lot more and I'll be able to stop and have breakfast with him before going to class and such. Additionally, our leasing paperwork is in the final stages so Snoball should be able to come home within the next two weeks. We purchased a HUGE (taller than me!) macaw cage for him but we haven't picked it up yet. We're still organizing the apartment and sorting out the roommates' stuff. It's slow going, but we're getting there. I'll be sure to post photos when everything is all finished up.